
Last thing i listened was that he was working for a big entreprise...sorry for my bad memory because i don't remember now what exactly he was doing...
Anyway...he has been living for years near Madrid, I think in San Lorenzo del Escorial, a nice city in the fact not very far for where Anand lives.
Six or seven years ago while Collado Villalba open was being disputed he apeared one round, just for kibitzing some games. A game between Suba and argentinian GM Salvador Alonso just had finished and he joined to the the begining he didn't participate too actively, just he was paying attention to the variations showed by Suba and Alonso and only suggested when he really had something to contribute...but wow! what variations. The game was a sharp Scheveningen with white pawn-storming on the one point he showed a variation when white started to apparently hunt the black king on the center of the fact the king was going forward helping to mate white! and so on... Alonso and Suba were at this moment kibitzers instead of the actual players. The impression was even greater when analyzing the engame...the gap of understanding was tremendous...i was really impressed...he was retired for years and still he seemed giving a lecture to a strong, experienced and rated above 2500 GM and a strong IM. Amazing!
That's the really meaning of once being 4 th of the world i guess. … 0341871/15